New Videos Possibly Worth Consideration

I see L & L is announcing 2 new video sets: Richard Osterlind’s Mind Mysteries Too Mind Mysteries Too continues on from the high-water mark set by the first Mind Mysteries series, one of the best-selling video sets in magic history. Transcending the boundaries of traditional mentalism and magic, Mind Mysteries Too completes the circle …

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A General Mailaise

It’s pretty easy to project ones own feelings on the rest of the world. Is it just me, or is the country in a deep, deep funk? Between that stupid war that G2 gave us, the hurricanes and the reaming we’re getting from the oil companies, there doesn’t seem much to get up for. It …

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I Love A Good Magic Fight!

If you’ve got a few minutes read this thread:;f=10;t=001794;p=1 I haven’t dug too deeply into it, but basically it’s all about Rings and Things 2. They have their defenders and their detractors. Maybe somebody is right. I don’t know. Anyway, the thread gets going pretty good and Marcella Zimmerman, the main guru at RNT2 …

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Criss Angel Coin In Soda Can

After returning from some mind numbing business meeting last night, I totally forgot about watching Mindfreak. It’s possibly surprising that I fall into the “rising tide raises all boats” school and believe Criss is good for magic. Actually, given its moribund state, I don’t think anything could hurt. Criss doesn’t perform the type of magic …

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Cleaning the desk

I’m working on some longer things, but these are just random dumps for your consideration: i/m in Blogland Blogs are kinda slow these days. Seems to be a sign of the times. I guess we’re all more concerned with paying for gas and heating our homes. Don’t worry, your crack Federal Government is on the …

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