Fool Me Once

A year or two ago, I bought Silver Shifter – Steve Brooks’ $50 rubber coin. I swear that’s what it is. It also came with some silver colored powder and a Q-Tip, I think. If I rubbed the silver powder on the coin and I stood at one goal line of a football field and …

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The Baby & The Bath Water

OK! The title is trite – it’s Sunday and I’m tired and not particularly clever or original today. Lost in all the hoopla over the Haydn/Sheets/Bush/MagiCentric/MagicWhack/MagicianX/Pinnard/Schneide/Kreskin/BabeRuth/HowieMandel…..etc. etc. uh……. controversy was the very real issue raised by MagiCentric in the original Haydn/Bush post. The lost point of the original post was there are 2 levels of …

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