
Random Spittle

Not long enough for an article: 1. That sound you hear when you go to the Cafe’ is death rattles from Mein Brooks’ attempt to create blogs within the confines of his domain. Didn’t work Stevie! It was a bad idea from day one. Maybe you can save the posts to enter in MCJ’s next …

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It Is A Magic Show After All!

Recently, I’ve been inundated by actors turned magicians and their clone lectures. Basically, they all have the same premise: you can take the lamest piece of shit imaginable and through good staging and a well developed character you can have a great performance piece. Well, if you do this you know what you’ve got? A …

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What the hell is a "parlor"

Parlour (or parlor), from the Fr. parler (“to speak”), denotes an “audience chamber,” but that is not the import of the Hebrew word so rendered. It corresponds to what the Turks call a kiosk, as in Judg. 3:20 (the “summer parlour”), or as in the margin of the Revised Version (“the upper chamber of cooling”), …

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A General Mailaise

It’s pretty easy to project ones own feelings on the rest of the world. Is it just me, or is the country in a deep, deep funk? Between that stupid war that G2 gave us, the hurricanes and the reaming we’re getting from the oil companies, there doesn’t seem much to get up for. It …

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