No No Way

I don’t know this trick, or the guy who produced it, but would anyone ever buy this based on the trailer? I have NO IDEA what it looks like. None!  

Not Quite Ultimate

   If you have read this blog for very long, you know that I’m not a huge fan of DVDs published by Big Blind Media . Frankly, they are generally a little to artsy fartsy for me. I just don’t get performing card tricks on a curling bench in a gym somewhere, like on one …

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When An Apology Isn’t

I wrote a long preamble pointing out all that was wrong with this – morally, ethically and technically, but he’s just not worth it. Still, it needs to be recorded for posterity. With that said, I give you, His Holiness, Steven Youell. An Apology and Some Apologetics Please read this entire article before you react.  …

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The price of censorship

I doubt anyone reading this blog (Hi Mom!) is unaware of what’s been going on with Hank Lee’s Magic Factory: Harry P. Levy, the owner of Hank Lee’s Magic Factory, admitted he made 134 false transactions between 2009 to 2011 on a customer’s American Express card totaling $561,927, according to a stipulation of facts signed …

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It was 50 years ago

this year that one of the most important things to happen to close-up magic occurred. Harry Lorayne published Close-Up Card Magic. This was closely followed by two small paperbacks Personal Secrets and My Favorite Card Tricks. I've always considered the threesome to be a single event. Like many others I cut my teeth on this …

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