Posts I Didn’t Read

The Magic Circle Jerk’s inspired contest which is rewarding a prize for the most boring post is wonderful. I’m sure all of us have tried to determine which ones they are. It’s also funny to see the Cafe powers scramble – No new registrations and I’ve seen a number of legitimate posts trashed. Trying to …

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More Of The Same

I long ago quit posting on the Cafe, after I was banned. It’s easy enough to get another set of IDs, but it’s just not worth it. I have nothing I want to post, that’s within the Round Man’s rules anyway. I do enjoy reading the posts on a periodic basis. Unfortunately, when I read …

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The Continuing Saga

Whit Responds: I’ve been marginally covering this story since Magician X and MagiCentric are way ahead of me on the curve. Also, I trust I’ve left no doubt that I dislike the Whit Haydn that appears on the Magic Cafe. He’s mean, condescending and just plain rude. I can do without that. Magician X has …

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Coming Soon?

Louis Falanga wrote the following in 1988 in his Publisher’s Preface to M.I.N.T. Volume 1: Volumes 2 and 3 ill be released within the next year or two. Well, volume 2 was issued in 1995 and Volume 3 has never been published…… The best laid plans…… I don’t even know why I’m mentioning this, but …

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I’ve been thinking a little more about the convention I just attended and it occurs to me that there was not a single WOW moment in three days. I saw some nice variations and some clever adaptations, but nothing that made me really sit up and take notice. Is it me, or is everything becoming …

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