
i/m Classics?!?

Drivel & Drool Saving the old stuff Actually, I’m quite proud of some of my earlier posts on my old blog. I worked long and hard on many of them – OK, everything wasn’t a gem, but some were – if I must say so myself. I’ll be gradually bringing them across and classifying them …

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New Address

I’m back and business and moving to WordPress, which will be more reliable and, very simply, a better platform.   I just opened it and it’s a little lame, but you’re welcome to come by.   The address is:   Take care………  

The Genii Cafe

There’s an interesting discussion on the Genii Forum that deserves some attention. It started with the revelation the the Cafe’ actually deletes posts. SURPRISE!! Of course they do as any other forum does. As usual with the Cafe’, it’s the way they do things, not what they do. I’ve often wondered why the Cafe’ can …

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The Layman

From the magician’s dictionary (apparently): lay·man (l?’m?n)  n.    1. One of the lowest forms of the species homo sapiens. Recognizeable by the inability to show even the most elemental powers of reasoning or observation. Frequently observed to be conspicuously drooling and unable to operate a towel to wipe it off. 2. On object of pity and derision by …

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i/m in BlogLand

These are, in no way, attempts at reviewing other magic blogs. I haven’t got the talent or temperament for that. These snapshots are nothing more than pointing those blogs that may be worthy of your attention. b. d. erland’s blog I’ve never heard of the author – something which goes both ways, I’m sure. He’s …

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