i/m Classics?!?

Drivel & Drool

Saving the old stuff

Actually, I’m quite proud of some of my earlier posts on my old blog.

I worked long and hard on many of them – OK, everything wasn’t a gem, but some were – if I must say so myself.

I’ll be gradually bringing them across and classifying them as such.

I hope you enjoy them – either for the first time or seeing them again.

Take care…..


New Address

I’m back and business and moving to WordPress, which will be more reliable and, very simply, a better platform.


I just opened it and it’s a little lame, but you’re welcome to come by.


The address is:




Take care……… 

Kevin James Leaving World’s Greatest Magic show at the Greek Isles



Boy! are they going to miss him. He was the show – PERIOD.

That loud mouth MC was just tolerated and the rest of the acts were OK, but it was KJ that made the show memorable.


Good Luck, Kevin.


The Genii Cafe

There’s an interesting discussion on the Genii Forum that deserves some attention. It started with the revelation the the Cafe’ actually deletes posts. SURPRISE!! Of course they do as any other forum does.

As usual with the Cafe’, it’s the way they do things, not what they do. I’ve often wondered why the Cafe’ can produce such strong emotions. There’s the usual array of Internet ass holes and forum maggots always willing to talk down to those of lesser standing, but that’s the Internet – unfortunately.

I believe that deep within most of us there’s a desire for fairness among ourselves and the Cafe’s let’s the bullies run wild and fairness is the very last thing on their minds. I don’t accept that the fat ass owner can do totally as he pleases – there’s a morality issue here and for one who spews the amount of piety that he does, I can only assume he’s a hypocrite of the first order.

Another thing that I found interesting about the Genii posts was the number of people the agree with me that the Chief of Staff is a DICK with a capital D. Look at this:


Is there any wonder he has plenty of time on his hands? A pitiful little man that seems to get his kicks from abusing people…. and he has the nerve to show a picture of himself as a doting grandfather.


Take care……… 

The Layman

From the magician’s dictionary (apparently):

lay·man (l?’m?n)  

1. One of the lowest forms of the species homo sapiens. Recognizeable by the inability to show even the most elemental powers of reasoning or observation. Frequently observed to be conspicuously drooling and unable to operate a towel to wipe it off.
2. On object of pity and derision by higher forms of life, such as a magician.


Interesting, the real world sees things much differently:

Humans are also noted for their desire to understand and influence the world around them, seeking to explain and manipulate natural phenomena through religion, science, mathematics, philosophy and mythology. This natural curiosity has led to the development of advanced tools and skills; humans are the only known species to build fires, cook their food, clothe themselves, and use numerous other technologies. (Wikipedia)

Every time I hear the it just blows right by laymen, I want to scream. Just because someone is too nice to call your hand on the transparency of your latest miracle, doesn’t mean they were fooled for an instant! Make no mistake – if magic doesn’t fool it isn’t magic. Mystery is the only reason for magic. That doesn’t mean there can’t be elements of comedy and intrigue. Certainly clever and interesting patter is one of the core ingredients of good magic, but if people aren’t saying – how in the H… did he do that, then you’ve wasted your time!

Again, I must point you to b d erlands blog and today’s entry entitled Lucifer’s Lawyer: Downplaying the Process. It’s brilliant. The essay studies  considerations in making your magic mystifying – hiding the secret and, thereby, avoiding exposure and embarrassment. He covers the bases pretty darn well.

While he spends some time with tension and relaxation, I wish he would have emphasised framing as practised by magical geniuses like David Williamson. They are close relatives, but there are differences.

I also wish he would have used a larger font, underlined and put in bold the VERY SPARINGLY when he talked about the use of the magician in trouble plot and the multiple climax. I can think of very few times that I’ve ever bought the magician made a mistake bit and I’m quite sure very few watching it did either. Those few occasions were when a piece of the torn newspaper accidentally fell to the ground unnoticed by the magician and the restored paper was missing that piece. I also recall a bit where Lance Burton failed to notice that he dropped something in his original act and all worked out, but these are the very small minority.

The multiple climax is great, when in context. Look at Mike Close’s Dr. Strangetrick for a sterling example. Most of the time, I hear your card is the seven of spades AND my ring is on a different finger. Huh!?!?!?

Enough of my prattle – check out the essay. I should be required reading. 

Take care……… 

i/m in BlogLand


These are, in no way, attempts at reviewing other magic blogs. I haven’t got the talent or temperament for that. These snapshots are nothing more than pointing those blogs that may be worthy of your attention.

b. d. erland’s blog

I’ve never heard of the author – something which goes both ways, I’m sure. He’s from South Korea and the blog is fairly new and still has a lot of energy and vitality.

You’ll find a great collection of videos available. If your an Internet junkie, you will have seen most, if not all, of them, but it’s great to have them all in one place. His reviews are the best and most complete of any site that I know of.

My favorite features are the frequent essays. The recent multi part series titled Thoughts On Exposure should be required reading for all magicians. It’s an unfortunate title for some very provocative material.

Keep it up b. d.  – whoever you are.


Take care………