
The Geller Legacy

It’s amazing, to me, that more than 30 years after Uri Geller made headlines that his name is still solely synonymous with Psychokinesis. This YouTube video is a good example: THE UNEXPLAINED: The bizarre case of psychokinetic Ninel Kulagina The ongoing fascination with PK should make every magician have a believable routine in his repertoire …

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I Wish I Had Said That

  Drivel & Drool Cafe’ Crash & Recovery Aftermath Over at the Genii Forum: In his mass PM, Brooks labels anybody asking questions as to the accuracy of statements made by Cafe management yesterday and early today as “whiners, complainers, and speculators”, and any posts asking further questions about the crash are quickly deleted………..all of …

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i/m Classics – The Internet To The Rescue

<Originally Posted September 12, 2005> After doing a lot of research, it looks like all of my troubles will soon be over: I’ve made contact with a Nigerian official and struck a deal to alleviate my financial problems. I just got a bunch of pills that will have my talleywacker dragging the ground real soon. …

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