Castle Notebooks – Who cares?



I’m just not too excited about the impending release of the Cervon notebooks – the infamous Castle Notebooks. The price is just plain stupid for scanned pages – especially given the rather large run (500).

Even though Richard Kaufman seems to be on the rag permanently these days, I think he is justified in condemning the Cervon estate and L&L for the release. I find the question of ownership of the material to be quite interesting– and unresolvable.

Also, when I think notebooks, I think of that ass hole Jeff Busby and begin to gag!

Take care………

2 thoughts on “Castle Notebooks – Who cares?”

  1. From Profile Magazine issue 10 – 1992:

    “Rumour was that Vol. 4 [of the Vernon Chronicles] was goig to contain gambling moves, no doubt these will now appear in some expensive manuscript, exploiting the Vernon Legend.”


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