i/m Classics – Brain Dump



<Originally Posted February 16, 2007>

Whatever happened to Steve Pellegrino?

Has anyone heard from, his holiness, Stephen Youell?

I was wrong about Paul Chosse

I’m still right about Jabba and the Cafe’ crew.

Paul Kozak is a PUTZ!

The Internet is slowly, but surely, destroying the magic community as many of us have known it. We’re much, much poorer because of it.

Denny Haney declared the Egg Bag to be magic’s perfect trip. I tend to agree.

I need to take the time and energy to learn a stacked deck. I need to just do it!!!

Why is classic palming a coin so damn difficult?

Why does gospel magic attract so many goof balls and rotten magicians. This isn’t a religious comment – just the opposite actually. They do NO ONE any good.

Have you notice the Cafe’ blog section recently? Makes me seem downright regular.

Bob Kohler writes the best copy since Jeff Busby.

I miss the Magic Circle Jerk.

Take care………


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