Joshua Jay – Talk About Tricks



Let’s get this out front:


He’s young, good looking, talented, single and doing exactly what he wants. In short, he’s everything I’m not and never will be.

Even in his very earliest writings, h’s shown an incredible ability, for someone of his age especially, to select quality tricks and sleights. This collection of 3 DVDs represents his favorites – not necessarily the best, of his columns from Magic Magazine.

There’s 7 hours, or so, of enjoyable magic. Moves, routines, tips etc. It’s always fun to see stuff in person that you’ve only read about. Most looks better – much better. Some doesn’t.

A few nits:

  • Rick Maue’s Riding the Wave was tedious – so tedious I flipped over and watched the White Sox. It lasted two excruciating innings!

  • One of the best tricks on the DVDs was by Paul Cummins and it was performance only – something I find inexcusable on a magic instructional DVD

  • Some of the banter was sophomoric, but, then again, they’re sophomores!

  • The usual L&L crowd. Josh, to his credit, actually made a few L&L jokes. Personally, they never particularly bother me and the women are certainly a pleasure to watch – so much so that I can tolerate the dork always on the front row.

  • At times, I was so distracted by the gal in the short blue jean skirt – wondering if she would ever reveal the promised land (she didn’t) that I lost track of some of the tricks.

In summary – I’ll watch these more than once. Something I don’t believe has happened in 2007.

Well done!

Take care….



1 thought on “Joshua Jay – Talk About Tricks”

  1. Damn you know how to sell a product. For no other reason than to check out the “short jean skirt riding up in a tantalising way” action I’m going to order a copy. And thats true!! I must confess if I’m bored of an evening putting on an L&L DVD to check out the L&L “hotties” (as well as watching and learning from the masters of magic obviously) is a pleasant way to spend an evening.




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