Integrity! What’s that?


I try to limit commenting on other blogs, because it’s trite and dumb in most cases.

There are instances, however, where I feel the subject matter is so important, that a failure to bring them to your attention would be unfair.

Steve Pellegrino at MagiCentric writes one of the most popular magic blogs and reading it is a must for many of us. Frankly, I disagree with him more often than not, but that’s OK – it’s not his job to please me. He, obviously, spends a lot of time on his posts and. believe me, writing a thoughtful, literate post is not something you don’t just rip off while sitting on the can.

Right now, go and read his post on reblogging. I share his rage. This piss ant blog isn’t worthy of reblogging and that’s fine, but it appears that MagiCentric has supplied most of the content for this new site.

I’m sure Mr. Pellegrino know how to thwart this clown or severely handicap the process, but this is at the expense of all of us that use aggregating readers for our daily blog fix.

As we continue to see our way of life slip into the toilet, it has become very obvious that so much of what we treasured in the past depended on integrity or just doing the right thing. Somehow, somewhere over the past 10 or 15 years all actions have become justifiable if legal or profitable. Old dinosaurs, like me, are laughed at if we bring morality into the equation. I look around me every day and see men, primarily, trying to keep above water that were trashed by corporate America and those the espouse the anything that makes a buck religion. For now, they have won – no doubt about it.

As we approach Memorial Day, I seriously wondered what all these brave soldiers died for.

It’s not a good time.

Take care……… 


9 thoughts on “Integrity! What’s that?”

  1. Make sure you read the latest comments at MagiCentric on this topic. I don’t think the guy is doing anything wrong. He is just aggregating what Steve allowed to be syndicated in his RSS feed.

    What’s the difference in readding MagiCentric from ReBlog or from MyYahoo RSS reader?

  2. First of all, the difference is your RSS reader usually only gives you headlines, not the complete blog article.

    Secondly, there aren’t enough GOOD magic blogs as it is, so why not put the effort into creating one. Its the same as putting effort into anything worthwhile. This includes magical effects.

    Finally, if Steve doesn’t want the use of his blog on another site, then it should be RESPECTED.

  3. First of all, the difference is your RSS reader usually only gives you headlines, not the complete blog article.

    Secondly, there aren’t enough GOOD magic blogs as it is, so why not put the effort into creating one. Its the same as putting effort into anything worthwhile. This includes magical effects.

    Finally, if Steve doesn’t want the use of his blog on another site, then it should be RESPECTED.

  4. RSS readers/aggregaters displays what is in the RSS.

    Steve’s RSS feed contains more then just the headline.

    Magic Re-Blog is only displaying what is in the RSS.

    If Steve does not want it displayed then he should remove the content and only leave the titles and summary.

    I like the Magic Re-blog because he is putting the effort into finding the few good magic blogs that are out there.

  5. Ignore my earlier post about reading the comments on MagiCentric for this topic. Steve turned his comments off. A shame since the guy posted a response.

  6. RSS feeds are meant for private aggregation, not for people to steal your content for their own site. As for the titles thing, Steve may include more than titles but others don’t and they have entire articles up there. That is theft if the RSS feed stealing isn’t. Would your opinion differ if Tracy was talking about making a profit from the Reblog.

    Theft is theft and RSS is not a licence to steal.

    Check out Steve’s latest post about this, I suspect one of the anon posters here may be the reason he had to turn off the comments. He makes a good analogy to CNN etc.

  7. Steve knows this is his own fault. As a Blooger he controls how much content is syndicated. He just does not want to admit his ignorance. The guy responded in a polite and intelligent fashion and Steve deleted his comment.

  8. Steve knows this is his own fault. As a Blooger he controls how much content is syndicated. He just does not want to admit his ignorance. The guy responded in a polite and intelligent fashion and Steve deleted his comment.

  9. Here is Tracy Atteberry’s response to Steve’s rant. This is the post that Steve deleted:

    Tracy Atteberry Says:
    May 24th, 2006 at 11:55 am

    Thanks to Brendan for the email and to Steve for the harsh criticism which I accept in the spirit in which they were given. MagiCentric has been removed from the blogroll. I’m a big believer in intellectual property rights and have no desire to publish information not freely given for that purpose.

    To answer the Brendan’s question about RSS feeds: No. RSS feeds contain pretty much whatever the provider wants them to contain. Steve’s RSS feeds contains full article content. I would never think of scraping content from someone’s website but an RSS feed is meant to contain content to be syndicated. That’s what the second ‘S’ stands for after all. Also, all content is credited and links provided back to the source which remains extremely valuable as it will often contain content that is not syndicated (like comments or other non-syndicated pages) and most bloggers appreciate the traffic and go out of their to help people drive that traffic to their sites.

    That said, I recognize that someone without a clear understanding of what RSS is intended for could be easily upset the first time they see the content syndicated (at my site or any of the thousands of other sites that have syndicated content) and perhaps I should be more clear about that on my site. In fact, you bring to light a very good point. I have to fly off tomorrow to get married but when I get back I will make an effort to contact those on the blogroll to verify their intent when they decided to publish their RSS feed. Thanks!

    Yours truly,

    The above mentioned “bonehead”

    9:13 PM

    Tracy was clearly polite and respectful. I think Steve was out of line.

    Dan Mindo


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