A good reason to go to the Cafe’


My general feelings about the Cafe’ are probably best expressed graphically: 



There was a time I checked into their hallowed hallways at least once a day, but over time I grew weary of that pompous ass Brooks (and that’s a LOT of pomposity) and the generally sour mood that permeated the groups. I now stop by on most weekends and browse a little, but that’s it. I no longer post – actually I can’t since I am banned – just read a few areas.

His attempt to create internal blogs, called The Buffet, has been, to put it kindly, a disaster. As I write this, Paul Chosse hasn’t posted since August, Brooks and Curtis Kam haven’t posted since early November. Even Bill Palmer hasn’t posted in over a week, which is a lifetime for him.

In January of this year Brooks added:

Magic Friday by Jamie D. Grant
Every Friday a trick will be taken out into the real world – Read here for a complete review.

I don’t know Jamie Grant, but I do know you’ll find some of the best reviews I’ve seen in a long time in his column. Not only are his reviews spot on, but his choice of material is excellent. Tricks like:

  • Ringer
  • Signed Torn and Restored Post-It Note
  • Torn and Restored Transpo
  • Hundy 500
  • Ultimate Three Card Monte

as well as others are covered and covered well.

Jamie, at least publicly, seems to have not caught the superiority virus that seems to afflict most of the staff. I hope that continues. It’s damn refreshing.

If you can stand the stench that is the Cafe’, I highly recommend this diamond in a pile of insufferable manure.

Take care………



2 thoughts on “A good reason to go to the Cafe’”

  1. I met Jamie at the local magic shop a couple of times and I formed a very favorable impression of him. He’s got a very open, honest sort of vibe about him and he’s friendly.

    He also seems pretty sane and down-to-earth, which I can’t say about many of the characters I’ve met at the magic shop.

  2. AS I said, I haven’t met him personally, but the general tenor of his writings seems to reflect what you observed.

    It’s unfortunate that being nice and down to earth is cause for praise, but it is.

    Thanks for reading AND commenting. It is always appreciated.



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