“Time” Is On Our Side – Ernie Haase



Drivel & Drool

I Found This Compelling

“Time” Is On Our Side – Ernie Haase

When your soul is hungry you never know what fresh and soul honoring blessing or lesson is waiting for you right around the proverbial corner; and sometimes it’s from the most unlikely places!

I was listening to an oldies station on the radio and a song came on by the Rolling Stones that said “Time Is On My Side.”  I sang along, I knew the words!  Oh no, I guess my fundamental upbringing could not monitor me all the time. I must have listened to some “worldly music” at some point to retain these words, but it did get me to thinking about “time.”

We’ve all heard the saying, “the good things in life take “time,” and it’s true.  There’s no other way around it, it takes “time” to build or create anything of quality and value.  It takes time to create a painting, a song, a garden.  It takes time to build character, trust, a relationship. These things don’t happen overnight, and would we really appreciate it if they did?  In this busy world of ours we have so little “time,” but “time” can really be on our side.  We need to take some “time” to let our hungry souls be fed and not be filled up with so much stuff between the “Sabbaths” in our lives.

The other day I read about a man who went to stay at a weekend retreat where only monks lived.  They showed the man to his room and before leaving him to experience the solitude they said, “Please contact us if you need anything and we will be happy to show you how to live without it!”

The things that matter most in our lives take “time” to nourish.  We need to learn how to say “no” and not feel guilty about it.  We need to take “time” out for ourselves, our family, our friends, and above all our Heavenly Father.  We need to realize that the demands and expectations put on us by other people are not our problem, we need “time” and if they cannot understand our position, just smile and move on!

I was talking with a friend the other day who had a great business deal to present me, and it was indeed enticing.  A couple of years ago I would have jumped right in with both feet and called my family to tell them about the good news of how God just blessed me.  (Isn’t it funny how much credit God gets for the good and the bad!)  It’s been a hard lesson for me to learn, but I am learning to wait before I jump.  After talking a bit and hearing my friend out I had to say “no.”  Although he accepted my answer, I could tell he was a little surprised by it.   Fortunately he felt close enough to ask me the reason for my answer.  I told him that it had nothing to do with him, the proposal, or money, it had to do with “time.”  I told him if he could buy me another day on the calendar I would consider it, but at this “time” in my life I have to say “no.”

We need to learn how to say “no” and not let others make us feel guilty about it.  The things that matter most in our lives take “time” to nourish.  We need to take “time” out for ourselves, our family, our friends, and above all our Heavenly Father.  We need to realize that the demands and expectations put on us by other people are not our problem, we need “time” and if they cannot understand our position, just smile and move on!  I think at times we’re even scared to say “no” but sometimes we just have to!

My friend graciously understood and we have talked since then and I’m glad about that.  That’s the measure of a true friendship.  I think we’ve all had the experience of feeling a little used by someone; someone you think is your friend, but eventually find out they were your friend only because of what they thought you could do for them.  That’s probably why we may sometimes be afraid to say “no.”  Finding out they’re not truly your friend is a bitter pill to swallow, but a necessary one, for when you find out who your real friends are they become even more of a blessing.

But when I think about these friends who are not really our friends, I have to ask myself, haven’t we all been guilty of this at one time or another?  We call on our Heavenly Father when the going gets tough, but when things are back on track we don’t call anymore, that is, until things get rough again.  Don’t you think that God must feel a little like we feel when we’ve been used by someone?    It really has made me more aware of the need to take the “time” to call on my Heavenly Father just to talk, even when I don’t need anything!    Of course He wants us to make our requests known, but how it must please Him to hear the voice of His children just “checking in” during the normal activities of the day to say hello, thank you, how do you feel about this, and most of all, I love you!  I know how good it makes me feel when someone does this for me, and who deserves it more than our Heavenly Father.

We all need to take the “time” to be good stewards of the talents and gifts the good Lord has given each one of us; and we need to take the “time” to use them for His glory to the best of our ability.  Our Heavenly Father did not call us to live our lives by the expectations of others nor in bondage to the demands of “time.”

Remember, you can’t go back again, so roll down the window as you ride down the road of life and breathe in these chances to love and live life wide open!
You will find that “time” truly is on your side, exactly the way God intended it to be!

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