Now here’s a magic book I would buy

There are several books out that teach you how to get women with your magic e.g. Tricks To Pick Up Chicks or PUMA. Those guys meet the classic definition of consultant:

consultant – someone that knows 350 ways to make love, but doesn’t know any women

Criss Angel may not be much of a magician, but whatever he does must work. His latest squeeze:


Way to go Criss!!

Check out Encased. Lousy DVD, …

Check out Encased. Lousy DVD, but excellent routines.

Again and again I find Jamie G…

Again and again I find Jamie Grant’s recommendations to be excellent. Too bad he got caught in that Street Magic crap.

I’m disappointed in Identity. …

I’m disappointed in Identity. I like Richard Sanders and his stuff, but the hype here FAR exceeded the reality.

Name this Cafe forum – “OH MR …

Name this Cafe forum – “OH MR BILL” thank you for showing us your balls. I feel so honored.

Well, trying to fire up the bl…

Well, trying to fire up the blog again. Not my best work, but it’s a start.