Digital Dissolve – Again

As I pointed out in my original review of Digital Dissolve – IT IS STEVE DUSHECK’s EFFECT. Period.  I was glad to see David Regal come to the same conclusion in his review in the December Genii.

Great minds…….

Take care……… 


Again, A New Template



I just can’t seem to be satisfied with the look and feel of this blog, but I think that this may be it. It’s required a boatload of tweaking and there’s still a wart or two – it’s new, but there are real possibilities.

I’ll be adding an image gallery this week – I hope and additional content to make this a place every magician will want to visit. I loathe web sites that are always posting big plans and never delivering – that won’t happen here.

I promise!!


Take care………  


This is a magician’s real competition

Years ago, Harry Lorayne wrote that he doubted any card trick will ever compete with a young lady in a miniskirt doing the frug (for those under a 100, that was a seriously sexy dance – in those days). Competition for your audience’s attention grows stronger every day.

Reality and illusion continuously merge until we no longer believe our eyes and we begin to accept everything as normal.

Our magic must unequivocally punch our spectators in the nose and get their attention. It must be visible and inexplicable. I’m not sure 4 year olds buy the change bag any more.

Think! Try to see what your audience sees. Video cameras are cheap. Use one.

FogScreen features breakthrough projection technology | TechRepublic Photo Gallery.



Take care…….
