Something Else You Might Like
No raves or glowing recommendation here, just something for your consideration.
I should tell you that I’m a huge fan of David Williamson and his magic. His 3 previous DVDs are required additions to any serious close up performers library, as is the Williamson’s Wonders book. He is one of the VERY few magicians that are truly funny and possess world class chops.
The is a new release, as it is converted from a prior video. He does 4 tricks and then his Rocky Raccoon. The tricks are OK, but suffer from the amateurish production. The reason to get this is to see him perform, not learn tricks. His nearly throw away remarks on staging and timing are the real hidden jewels here.
I do think he does one of the best top changes I’ve ever seen and this DVD should be on your shelf for that lesson, if nothing else.
If you’re a David Williamson fan, you’ll want to add this.
Drivel & Drool 
No Pit In Hell Is Hot Enough!
A friend sent this today.
By Robert J. Samuelson
Thursday, July 13, 2006
The Washington Post
Delinquency Of the CEOs
But they have contrived a moral code that exempts them from self-control — a moral code that justifies grabbing as much as they can. They unduly enrich themselves at shareholders’ expense and set a bad leadership example. Because almost everyone else sees their code as self-serving and selfish, CEOs have undermined their moral standing and their ability to be taken seriously on other issues. They are slowly becoming a threat to the very system they claim to represent.