Something To Think About
Blogs such as i/m sit on the edges of the mainstream. If the Internet was a newspaper we would be one of those fillers used to complete a column. You know – the average summer temperature in Sioux Falls is 70 or we would be the sleezy massage parlor ads in the back of the sports section. Hopefully, on a good day, we’re the comics.
On the other hand, blogs like John LeBlanc’s Escamoteurettes are the editorial page – the leading articles. Hell, I can’t even pronounce it. John is a thoughtful, careful writer, generally with something to say. Even the header screams class.
In his most recent article (Click here) John takes a cut at the theoretical five foot shelf. The list shows his usual careful thinking and even gives some of the history behind this exercise.
Since I tend to collect magazine compilations, I was interested to note that his personal list was over 1/3 magazines by count and probably close to half by size. Personally, I would probably add Richard’s Almanac and the bound Phoenix volumes.
John’s article also reminded me that I must pick up Maximum Entertainment by Ken Weber. I’ve heard a LOT of good things about it.
Anyway, hop over to John’s blog and add your thoughts. It’s an exercise worth repeating periodically.
Drivel & Drool 
Have a great Thanksgiving!!
Enjoy the kids, friends and family. This magic crap is so insignificant it isn’t even on the radar.
Remember the important things.